[EMonthly #3] EMetrics is live!

A special issue for a very special piece of news… EMetrics is now live!

What is EMetrics? It is the last-born of Estimation Média’s tools, made by our team, especially for you: our clients.

Our data visualisation space was rethought to enhance your data even more.

Its key features? EMetrics still enables you to discover the key performance indicators of your media studies in real time; but not only that! Among the new functionalities, we have unveiled for you media ecosystems, personalized reports and more…

Join our world and discover EMetrics with EMy!


Editorial value

This is THE data which enables you to estimate your return on investment. Our calculation is tailor-made for your brand. For print, web and audiovisual medium, it corresponds to the Advertising Value Equivalency (AVE) for a given page surface, time or online presence. As for social media, it is based on the Earned Media Value (EMV).


Print articles, fashion shoots, TV and radio broadcasts, web articles, mentions in newsletters, posts and stories… All are considered a publication and account for one media presence of your brand. Estimation Média keeps a close eye on all media types and provides you with a 360-degree vision on these publications.


You could define it as audience’s younger sister. The reach is an indicator used to estimate the number of people targeted by a publication. While the audience corresponds to the maximum impact of your media presence and equals the number of readers, unique visitors or followers, the reach only retains a percentage of these which varies depending on the media type.

Découvrez EMetrics

A new look

esthétique repensée

See life in full color! 

With the launch of EMetrics, Estimation Média unveils a brand new look for a smooth read. Mix business with pleasure and enjoy an experience which will please both your eyes and your mind.

Login and enter our world, because it is also yours!

Your KPIs in the blink of an eye

vos chiffres clés

Welcome to your online space! 

In the blink of an eye, discover all of your key performance indicators: editorial value, number of publications, audience, reach… It is all there, in real time.

After all, data visualisation is also our core business!

360-degree vision

une vision 360

We are eager to follow media trends and news in order to meet your evolving needs. In a world with multiple communication channels, it is essential to provide you with 360-degree media studies. 

So think out of the box and see it all through the lense of media ecosystems.

Print, web, audiovisual and social media publications… You won’t miss a thing!

Made-to-measure automated reports

bilans automatisés sur-mesure

We made it for you! Search and download a complete report with all the data you could ask for within a few minutes.

Easy Excel reports to work with and beautiful PDF presentations to pitch at your next meeting!

Though we love digital communication, there is nothing better than a conversation!

Interested by EMetrics? This is just a glimpse!  

Contact us and ask for a demo. The Estimation Média team will be delighted to answer your questions and draft you an estimate for a custom media study.

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[EMonthly #2] EMy’s Fashion Week

25 February 2022

You cannot have missed it : Fashion Week just ended… or should we say Fashion Month?

This season marked the return of physical shows for numerous brands. Paris, Milan, London, New York… All very real places-to-be succeeding one another, bringing us almost back to a pre-Covid era.

Almost ; because it is not really the same anymore. After several seasons of online presentations during which fashion houses took on the unescapable challenge of 100% digital, their ways of communicating has changed and new media trends have emerged.

In a hybrid world mixing virtual and digital, which trends are there to stay? EMy tells all in this Fashion Week special issue.


Earned Media Value

If you are among Estimation Media’s clients and keen on our social media studies, you already know this indicator quite well! As for others, the Earned Media Value (EMV) corresponds to the media exposure value of a brand or a topic. We calculate using the Ayzenberg index, which considers engagement and content exposure so as to allocate them a monetary value.

Media Advocacy

To put it simply, media advocacy is the media’s power of influence on a community and on the rules it answers to. A reporter, whether he writes for print, online or on social media, is followed by an audience whose opinion he has the power to shape. For example, by choosing to discuss a digital show, he can give it legitimacy and, eventually, shake up industry codes.


Less theorized but not any less relevant, the “défilmé”, contraction of the French terms “défilé” et “filmé” was first used by Isabel Marant in an interview by Loïc Prigent. It designates a show streamed in video format and coupled -or not- with a physical event. The word as well as the trend became popular during the pandemic.


The face of New York Fashion Week has changed for good

“Coupled with the decline in print media’s power and the blurring of lines between celebrities and platform creators, influencers now shape how, when and via which platforms we receive fashion news. In turn, brands are turning over their coverable front rows to influencers who may take up just one seat, but whose network of followers can be in the millions.”


Here’s what we can expect to shape the fashion industry in 2022

“It’s clear that traditional media plans have now expired for many brands, and we know how vital it is to stay ahead of the digital changes anticipated this year. Our customer lives and breathes digital, and we seek and attain our customers’ attention by producing content that they’re willing to be a part of.”



What Even is Digital Fashion Week? Interview with Founder Clare Tattersall

This episode features Clare Tattersall. Clare is the founder of Digital Fashion Week New York. A lens through which we can view the future of fashion by exploring innovation in the fashion industry from design concept to consumer. The mission of digital fashion week is to explore innovation in the fashion industry.


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[EMonthly #1] EMy’s 2022 Predictions

10 January 2022

The Estimation Média team wishes you a happy new year! We hope health and success will be right around the corner.

EMy offers you a preview into the coming year and announces her predictions. What to expect for the media and advertising world in 2022? Discover our selection of articles and terms to (re)discover to fully master today’s and tomorrow’s concepts.

Would you like to know what’s on the menu? The evolution of traditional media in the context of digital transformation, the complex issue of data collection and management, interrelationship between media and e-commerce, and, last but not least, social media content strategies.

Enjoy the reading as well as the new year!


Social Commerce

The term social commerce was coined from the contraction of social media and e-commerce. It refers to a user experience free of intermediaries between the user’s first exposure to the product on social media and purchase. An example to illustrate this trend? Instagram Shopping.

Retail Media

These advertising opportunities are offered by retailers who tend to establish their own media and become full-blown e-commerce networks. Their goal? Bring out value from the precious data collected from their CRM, and, more and more, e-commerce.

3rd-Party Data

First-party data are collected directly by a company. They can be declarative or behavioral. When sold, they become second-party data. When aggregators buy and cross-reference them, they become third-party data.


Outlook 2022: What We Can Expect From Advertising & Media

“In 2022 the ad market is expected to continue its bull run post-pandemic. Cord cutting casualties will result in few sports cables networks closing shop. The first major merger in the streaming wars is scheduled to happen. Local stations will continue their roll-out of NEXTGEN TV.”

Read more on Forbes.com


Social Media Trends 2022 Summary

Social’s changing. Fast. Customer care is red-hot, social commerce is booming, and TikTok can’t be ignored. Getting lost is easy.

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